At Optimal Health we are concerned less with the diagnostic labels of dysfunction and more with a clear understanding of how sex is for you and what can be done to make it satisfying. Physical and psychological aspects of love-making can be explored with you as an individual as well as the impact of any problem on your relationships.
In the clinic we assess physical causes including diabetes, circulatory disease, alcohol related disorder, post operative states, hormonal depletion and the effects of medication.
One of the commonest physical causes of erectile difficulty amongst older men is plaque blocking blood flow to the penis. The difficulty with erection provides a ‘sentinel’ sign that warns of possible cardiovascular disease. Reduction in levels of the male hormone, testosterone, may indicate the benefit of hormone supplementation. In any case the use of PDE5 inhibitors (commonly known as Viagra, Levitra or Cialis) and alprostadil (known as Caverject) may greatly assist erectile function.
Amongst older women the reduction in oestrogen production at the menopause may have physical consequences, such as dryness (and soreness) of the vagina during intercourse. Supplementation with bio-identical hormones tailored to the individual may be recommended for improvement to fatigue, well-being and sexual energy. It may also be important to assess thyroid function and possibly the loss of intermediate hormones, DHEA and progesterone.
Good sex is often a signal of good health. Sex that is not good may have many reasons. Irrespective of whether there is a physical factor continuing failure in love making often leads to ‘performance anxiety’ and the avoidance of loving contact.
Psychological causes may arise from a few chance failures at love-making or reflect long held insecurities that are reignited. Anxiety about sex, for example due to the challenge of a new relationship, loss of a job, or too much alcohol, may lead to the avoidance of sex, emotional withdrawal and depression.
In either case there are well-established ways to help. Asking for help early will make it easier to correct the problem.
Maintaining Sexual Function in Later Life
Presented by Mike Perring at the 2009 British Longevity Society, London download>
Testosterone’s Effects on Anxiety: Androgens and Mood
Presented by Mike Perring at the 2006 EMAA Conference download>
Sexual behaviour in humans is varied and complex and potentially a source of great pleasure. It may be limited to the imagination or be sublimated to generate art, literature and all manner of physical endeavour.
To scientists sexual physiology may be understood according to our age, and sexual activity described by a cycle of anticipation, arousal, orgasm and latency .
As individuals, we are all sexual beings and, in the passing stages of our lives, will adapt to circumstance: when sex goes well it is a source of our well being, but when it doesn’t, it can be very distressing and physical and emotional problems may develop.
Presented by Mike Perring and the 2007 AAMS Seminar, Paris . download>
Food and Sex: Plants Hormones and Herbs
Presented by Mike Perring at the 2006 Food and Health Forum, The Royal Society of Medicine, London download>
Talking to Men about Sex
Presented by Mike Perring and Marlene Wasserman at the 2007 SA5M Conference, Capetown download>
Patients with Sexual Problems treated with Hormonal Treatments
The service comprises assessment with appropriate investigation, medication, and if required referral elsewhere. Some of the main services and what we offer includes:
Erectile dysfunction - an initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward. Options for moving forward may include where appropriate suitable medication, key suggestions about how to improve lifestyle including diet and nutrition and in some situations may include psychological intervention. For a full discussion of our approach see our guide ‘a Holistic Approach to Managing Erection Problems’.
Loss of Libido - an initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward. Options for moving forward may include where appropriate suitable medication, such as hormone replacement, key suggestions about how to improve lifestyle including diet and nutrition and in some situations may include psychological intervention. For a further discussion from Dr Perring see the Sexual Health PowerPoint Presentations.
Premature ejaculation - an initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward. Options for moving forward may include where appropriate suitable medication, key suggestions about how to improve lifestyle including diet and nutrition and in some situations may include psychological intervention.
Male Menopause - an initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward. Options for moving forward may include where appropriate suitable medication, such as hormone replacement therapy, key suggestions about how to improve lifestyle including diet and nutrition and in some situations may include psychological intervention. For a further discussion from Dr Perring see the Sexual Health PowerPoint Presentations.
Gender Issues. Where appropriate we will explore gender issues, preferences of sexual choice and sex addiction. The service comprises assessment with appropriate investigation, medication, and if required referral elsewhere. An initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward.